
-adjective, snark -i -er, snark -i -est. Chiefly British Slang.
testy or irritable; short.

1910-15; dial. snark to nag, find fault with

Saturday, March 13, 2010

People who encourage people

You know that really annoying person at work/in class/in the neighborhood? Ya, the one who thinks they know everything. The one who feels they need to correct you every time you move an inch out of line. The one who feels they own the universe. We'll call them The Chosen One.

Well, I think I've found something even more annoying--the moron who encourages The Chosen One.

It's a funny situation, actually. Because The Chosen One is so annoying, everyone else around them inevitably shuts up. In my mind, it's just better to not provoke them. So when The Chosen One is going off, doing their thing, it's the moron who pipes up and tells The Chosen One they're great. So now The Chosen One isn't just annoying; they're VALIDATED and annoying.

A worse combination could not possibly exist.

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